Caring For All Believers ; My Concerns For Mass Or Multitude Churches – Part Vi By Jude Thaddeus Taylor


thumb (3)Continued from Part V
These revelations we know came from the God inspired word recorded by men first in the Old Testament and the New Testament as His Divine revelations. Or otherwise known as the Bible which is God Himself spread out on a broad sheet and also His Son whose blood was offered as a sacrifice for our redemption.
The accomplishing of the divine economy is revealed in many steps in the Bible progressively. This continued from God’s recreation from Gen.1-2 and consummate in the New Jerusalem in Rev. 21-22.Though the ordinary person may see in Gen.1-2; as merely a story or record of creation, actually, nearly every item in these two chapters is a revelation of Christ, who is life to God’s people (John. 1:1,4; 11:5; 14:6).

Which is why, when men set their minds to it their hearts will be ripped and led towards or to God Who will transform and wash them with this “Word”. Considering the major revelations (Eph.1:10;3:9; 1 Tim.1:4b) in the entire Bible is the unique Divine economy which I have summarised partly in my previous sharing. He is also a Unique Triune God the Author and Finisher of our faith Who is the Creator, the beginning and will be the End. Further reading will show the saint how you can feed on the bread of life and also drink Jesus as life; such that the individual will contain Him for the unified Body the Church.

At the centre of this major revelations of the divine economy is the all inclusive and unsearchable rich and unique Christ Jesus as the embodiment and expression of the Triune God ( Col.2:9; 1: 15-19; John.1:18. Now here is the “goal or objective” of the divine economy is the Church ( the Bride being prepared for the Bridegroom also Christ and God) as the Body of Christ which is the fullness and expression of the Father ( Eph. 1:22b-23; 3:8-11).

Such fullness will consummate in the New Jerusalem hence the Author or the Potter will have finished with us; ready to be awarded with the “honourable garment”. So fittingly living with us fully concealed in Christ into God as One Big Shinning Nation turning into a river of Life for ever. Currently; Christ the processed God in us is mingling us with the Divine nature (John 14:21-21:25), consummating into the Triune God. Whilst Christ Himself as God and Spirit, who took on the likeness of fresh Himself learnt to live in the tripartite form, became an example for us.
Before then Christ after our redemption and regeneration will have us transformed, sanctified ;etc. and preparing us with Himself for a reward of a glorified, incorruptible body which is the full presence of God. Thus establishing us into the image and likeness of God Himself just as it was in the beginning. Therefore before we could function in the same nature (Divine and Human) as God in Christ; but not equating ourself with or equal to the Father. He alone as the Godhead and deserves praises and worship with glory sharing no glory with any.

Our time on earth as Christians is the period which God Is cleansing and separating us as His own people, unto the glorified body with whom we will live forever. He in Christ with His Spirit sometimes called The Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Christ is working in us and the more we consume; drink and feed on Him as the Word it’s easier for Him to finish the workout in us.
However the more our concentration stays on entertainment and social activities with ourselves in the Church; the longer it will take and the harder the end time will be. So also will the “woman’s” birth pangs becoming even more difficult.

Therefore the essence of this write up is for all to know that becoming a born again Christian has a major meaning to God. Therefore the fact that certain people like us have been put together, is only for His purpose and not ours. God has everything planned and He alone is executing His plan. Men however have roles to play in this arena of turning corrupt or sinful man to one who God Himself has filled him with God Himself to express Him God. For example God wants man to obey (col. 3:22;Joshua 23:14-15;Deut.11:27;1 Sam.12:12-14 etc.); abide in (John 15:4-10 ) deny and sacrifice ourselves (Matt.10:39; 18: 1-14; Mark 9:33-50 Acts.4 :1-13) Him; love (Deut.11:13; Psalm 50:14; 1 John 4: 18 ;1 C or.8:8; 2 Cor. 2:20;) Him. God encourages us to love (Matt. 5:46; Rom. 12:10; Heb. 13: 1;1 John 3:18) one another; be each others (1 Cor. 7:9; 9:19,20;Tim.1:6) keeper ; take on the cross (Rom. 15:1-6;) and follow Him; He wants us to come to ( Matt.11:28-30) Him.
God wants us to fear ( Judges 6:10; Jer 42:11;Psalm 119:63; Job 6:13;e.50:19; Matt.28:20;1 John. 4:17-21)not. He wants us to come to the full knowledge of Him (1 John. 1:4;Acts 17:30 ;John !7:1-10; Heb. 3:1-6; Eph.1:11,16;) and also the power behind His resurrection; which is also the power working the God element into us.
I could count endless number of acts God wants man to cooperate with Him with whilst serving Him in various capacities as members of the church; the Body of Christ. There are instances He calls us to fight a good fight which never means it is by us,power,might or our efforts we have these things happenings. But by being obedient in both our physical and spiritual acts as God have instructed us; we so does His will out from which He crowns us with His presence and anointing including mingling His Lordship element into our being. For into the Triune God ( God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost) we have been baptised into. However, with all we do we just have to trust the faithfulness and the word of God without questioning Him; of how and when.
This script is wanting to take Christians away from the religiosity and often times superficial interpretation of spirituality, growth and development of the true saints. Rather we seek to give it a humble human understanding that all is done by God in Christ except by our cooperation. At the time there wasn’t much fun fair when Jesus walked on the earth. Jesus Christ showed us how He lived as Divine Person in the likeness of the flesh ( with both divine and human nature. But was still able to hearken to and do the will of the Father. In the script I seek to ask all Christian “churches”; to examine thoroughly how they manage their running of the organic part of Christ’s Body and Church. Knowing and understanding that the Church is an organism not an organisation. How and why everything must be done and to head everything into the Headship of the Church -Christ. We are in the eyes of God one person i.i.e.. Body, the Bride, the cooperate man and the woman who is in Christ.

Take this example from Christ Himself at the point of His rejection He launched a vigorous defence and teaching to dispel the untruth and to establish the truth which is Himself. One of the cardinal reasons was to steer Judaism mixed with human efforts; and to lead them to the new and fresh way just as He caused Abraham to be circumcised. Could He have just gone quiet without doing anything, No! is the answer. As a messenger of God He had a reasonable obligation to come to the defence of the gospel as did Paul;regarding the new man and God’s economy.Whilst He followed in full cooperation with the Father in obedience and self denial. And so,He always did what the Father wanted or pleased the Father, His will. We cannot just play idle, but do everything as God directs us. Lets us prayerfully read the following scriptures with the attending comments.

“Matt.16:12:- Then they understood that He did not say to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees
13: Now when Jesus came into the parts Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, Who do men say that the Son of Man is?
14: And they said, Some, John the Baptist, and others, Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.
15: He said to them, But you who do you say that I am?
16: And Simon Peter answered and said; You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17: And Jesus answered and said to him, Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in the heavens.
18: And I also say to you that you are Peter upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
19: I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heavens, and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in the heavens, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in the heavens”