There Is No Test Without A Testimony By Olivia Ansah


thumb (9)Count it all joy when ye fall into divers’ temptation .James 1:2. The Lord said he will not let temptation that we cannot endure come to us. For all things will work together for our good. All trials and tests reveals the real character in us .Due to this, if we encounter such tests, we would get to know our strengths and weaknesses.

Then we will improve upon our strengths and build our weaknesses to become our strength. In view of this, you are able to learn to be patient, steadfast, and enduring. The people who are very close to us will hurt and betray us but learn to stand that test.

Do not compromise your faith to do a favor for an acquaintance or relatives because it may be part of the test you will be passing through. If you only love those that loves you but hate them that hate you then there will be no reward for you. Whereas love those that hate you more. Do well to obey instructions and learn from your mistakes .Never ran from your trials or never give up on any test that may lead to your breakthrough .With your priorities in order, press on and never look back. The fishermen know that they say is dangerous and the storms terrible, in spite of that they never found these dangers as a hindrance to remain ashore.

Though, the storms of life will definitely come our way. You have to be adequately prepared for it when it comes. Nehemiah is a good example of someone who was able to stand in a storm while he decided to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He faced a strong opposition from a group of men but he sought for the counsel of God in his case. In cases as these, you have to stay focused, collected and strengthened against the storm. The opposition will try all it can to confuse you from reaching your goal.

Do not give in but pray for directions to overcome the storm. Let the Lord take control over the situation, be consistent in prayers and studying of the scriptures and walking by His word. Settle for everything God has for you refuse to settle for less.

Fight for all the good things you want in life yet do not fear. Stand on your grounds and pursue good health, family relationship, career, and amongst others. Live your life to the fullest, because you deserve it. For I know the thoughts I think towards you said the Lord, thought of peace and not of evil to give you an expectant end.