Preach unadulterated gospel – Second Lady to Churches


80126300The Second Lady, Mrs. Matilda Amissah-Arthur, has tasked Christians to take up responsibilities of ensuring that the unadulterated gospel is preached, and the good news of salvation becomes the pivot of all messages.

Mrs. Amissah-Arthur said obedience to God and the word of God should always be emphasized and spending time in the presence of God to know Him and grow in Him should be instilled in children.

Mrs. Amissah-Arthur was speaking at the 52nd Annual Session of the Ghana Baptist Convention (GBC) at Ejura in the Ashanti Region.

The four-day session was under the theme, ‘Harvest Time Today: Safe Guarding Authentic Christian Faith and Practice.’

It brought together members of the GBC across the country and some other foreign branches, including that of the United States of America; and will also reviewed its yearly activities and the ordination of some reverend ministers.

She said the lives of Christians should be living testimonies of what authentic Christian faith and practice are; “Let us be salt and light as we live out the authentic Christian faith in our political work business and in our private homes. In whatever we do, let’s do it as unto the Lord,” she admonished.

Mrs. Amissah-Arthur said Christians must pursue the truth and live by it. Additionally, they must live in peace with their neighbors and pray for those in authority.

She observed that sometimes Christians allow materialism to derail their faith from the main focus of Christian faith practices.

She noted that faithfulness to Jesus Christ comes at a price which genuine Christians must be prepared to pay.

Mr. Peter Anarfi-Mensah, Ashanti Regional Minister, noted that Christians form a majority of the country’s population and should always endeavor to come out with suggestions that would enhance peace the peace and stability of in the country.

Mr. Anarfi-Mensah reminded Christians of their responsibility to fight negative social practices through the preaching of the gospel of Christ.

He beseeched members of the church to pray for peace, unity and development as the nation would be holding the District Assembly and General Elections next month and next year respectively.

The Executive President of the Convention, Reverend Ernest Adu-Gyamfi, said the convention had made a lot of progress over the years, especially in the area of bringing back into its fold some of its breakaway pastors.

Present at the programme was Alhaji Mohammed Bawa Braimah, Municipal Chief Executive of Ejura and other head pastors of some other churches.