Ossa-Madi Church Of Ghana Ends Selam-Offering In Brong Ahafo Region


images (1)The Ossa-Madi Church of Ghana have organized a three (3) days convention at Aboabo No 2 in Dormaa district in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana.

This gathering was to remember the death of Christ Jesus who died on the cross some years ago to save man-kind.

The convention was under the theme: Be sure that you make everything according to the patern I have shown you here on the mountain. (Exodus 25:40)

The 2015 Selam-Offering started on Thursday 19th February and ends on 22nd February.

Pastor Joseph Kyere of Gonasua assembly speaking at the ceremony said “God never changes and will reveal all hidden things in our days if only we will obey his commandments.”

He charged Christians to love themselves and hold unto their faith, be spiritual and avoid earthly things.

Pastor James Aidoo advised believers not to worship any church or pastor but rather the Almighty God who saves and restore life.

He said God rewards anyone who invest his/her time in his work. ”Give and it shall be given unto you.”