Coronavirus: Belgium’s Royal couple to forego public events

© Belga

Belgium’s King Philippe and Queen Mathilde are following the instructions and recommendations issued by the authorities in connection with the new coronavirus (Covid-19) and are foregoing any events expected to be attended by many people, sources at the Palace said on Thursday.

Such events are being cancelled or postponed at least until the end of the month, either on the initiative of the Palace or by the organisers themselves, the sources said.

Queen Mathilde was to have visited a centre for children with a mental disability in Kortrijk on Friday, but that visit was postponed.

She had also been scheduled to attend the 10th anniversary of the founding of Therapeuten voor Jongeren (TEJO), an organisation that provides psychological assistance for youths aged 10 to 20 years old, in Antwerp on Friday evening, but that event has been cancelled.

Oscar Schneider
The Brussels Times